What's In A Name? A Lot If That Name Is 'Sombrilla'


During 世界杯官方app’s 50th anniversary celebration, 路跑者社区的许多人都受到了世界杯官方app大学发展的故事和将世界杯官方app愿景变为现实的杰出人士的启发.

One that truly resonated was “The Sombrilla Story” - a short video interview with Milton Babbitt, principal architect for Ford, Powell, and Carson, the San Antonio firm that designed 世界杯官方app’s Main Campus. 虽然这是著名建筑师奥尼尔·福特的想法,在校园中心包括一个大型聚会场所, Babbitt的任务是将空间概念化,最终被称为Sombrilla广场.


It is unclear who chose the name, which in Spanish means “umbrella,” but it wasn’t long before it was appropriated for other uses. Today, the term “Sombrilla” has become integral to 世界杯官方app, naming the Sombrilla Plaza, Sombrilla Fountain, Sombrilla Magazine, and Sombrilla Society, each with its own special place in 世界杯官方app’s history.

Since the John Peace Library opened in 1975, students, faculty, staff and visitors alike have been drawn to its adjoining plaza, 巴比特将其描述为“我设计过的最好的非建筑”,伞状树冠的宜人阴影和喷泉舒缓的声音已经成为校园里最独特的地标. 迷信说,如果你在期末考试的时候碰了黑纱喷泉的墙, good grades on your exams are sure to follow.

While the Sombrilla name originated with the plaza, 对于这份40年前创刊的大学杂志来说,这似乎也再合适不过了. Jane Burton, 谁在过去的33年里对学校的贡献是传奇的, 回忆起与大学发展部门的其他成员开会时,他们为新出版物选择了名字. “Sombrilla是校园的焦点,”伯顿指出. “So it wasn’t even an epiphany. We’ve just got to do it, we said.”

在此过程中,这个名字也被选为该大学首批捐赠社团之一. Today, Sombrilla Society是一个特殊的组织,由一些最具前瞻性的人组成, generous members of the 世界杯官方app community, 这个组织使用这个标志性的名字是再合适不过的了.

In a 1999 edition of the Sombrilla Magazine, a university supporter said, “在我们当中,有些个人和夫妇在思想上很有远见,就像他们的灵魂很慷慨一样. The Sombrilla Society celebrates these individuals. 他们从他们的遗产计划中做出的礼物将确保世界杯官方app的未来.”


Senior Executive Director of Gift Planning, Kimberly West, serves as the society's primary lead and says, “我很荣幸能够与组成今天的Sombrilla协会的慷慨的个人一起访问, 感谢他们将自己的遗产托付给一个在短短50年里从一个梦想成长为最大的学术机构之一的机构, most innovative public universities in Texas. 相信大学的未来并致力于其持续的成功需要极大的激情."